E.P.A. Encouraged Toxic Fertilizer Use Despite Early Warnings from 3M
In 2000, 3M scientists discovered alarmingly high levels of PFAS, "forever chemicals" linked to cancer, birth defects, and other health issues, in the nation's sewage. These chemicals, found in products like nonstick cookware and stain-resistant carpets, were being spread unknowingly on farmland as fertilizer—a practice endorsed by the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.). Although 3M didn’t make the findings public, it alerted the E.P.A. during a 2003 meeting, as revealed by internal documents. This disclosure, and the E.P.A.'s awareness of the risks, has only recently come to light. For the full story, read Hiroko Tabuchi’s report in The New York Times. Read the full article. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just one more reason we need to be detoxing daily. Cell Defender is the safest answer for all ages.
Learn about the toxins in our environment, how they affect our bodies and what you can do about it.
It’s that time of year when you may just resign yourselves to an influx of colds and flu. So many children sharing books, supplies, toys and germs. I like to be prepared with completely natural and clean products from the Earth, and energy that I know will be protective. So, in addition to the energy clearing, house clearing and emotional energy release that can be lurking under any dis-ease, I look to the Earth for natural protection. Here are some of the items I use. doTerra Essential OIls:
Another way to give little and big bodies extra immune support is by getting rid of heavy metals, organic toxins and micro-plastics with Avini Products. Cell Defneder’s Detoxolite™, the micronized and activated clinoptilolite zeolite that is in Avini Health’s products, is the world’ greatest systemic detoxifier. It removes heavy metals, volatile organic compounds and other toxins throughout the body. This improves overall health by eliminating competitive metals while stabilizing all of our metabolic functions. The zeolite does not stimulate the immune system, but allows it to function optimally by removing toxins, viruses, yeasts, bacteria, and fungi which can depress immune function and interfere with hormones. Additionally, heavy metals have been indicated in the inhibition or down-regulation of zinc finger proteins. These proteins are necessary for proper cell division and immune system response. The zeolite has been indicated in stabilizing zinc finger protein activation through the removal of inhibitory toxic heavy metals. ZMUNITY Mushroom Blend Mushrooms have been used for health, wellness, and medicines for thousands of years. It has been known for along time that fungi produce potent bioactive compounds with medicinal properties. Classic examples of this fungal-derived class of medicines are antibiotics, such as Penicillin. It is therapeutically best to utilize a blend of several mushroom species, because “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” For one thing, it is easier for pathogens in the body to adapt and become resistant to one mushroom than to several. Secondly, each mushroom species has a unique arsenal of anti-infective and immunomodulating agents. These special agents include: Polysaccharides, Glycoproteins, Ergosterols, and Triterpenoids. These agents are precursors to the more complex compounds, beta glucans. It is the synergy between ALL of these elements that makes mushrooms so medicinally powerful when consumed as a whole food. The mushroom blend utilized in Avini’s Zmunity are grown in a controlled environment in competition with each other. This allows the fungus to create incredibly high levels of beneficial biomolecules that include: antioxidants, fibers, and signaling molecules. To get the full benefit of these mushrooms, we only use a full spectrum extract of all seven mushrooms in the IAS blend. The IAS Full Spectrum Mushroom Complex in Avini’s Zmunity is considered to be the most technologically advanced immune blend for use in dietary supplements on the market today. Featuring a combination of more than200 highly purified, immune-active high molecular heteropolysaccharides and Beta 1,3-1,6 triple right hand helix beta glucans, IAS is derived from seven closely related organisms—100% USDA certified organic, certified kosher, biotech lab cultivated, full spectrum, non-GMO: Agaricus blazei (Sun), Lentinulaedodes (Shiitake), Grifola frondose (Maitake), Trametes v e r s i c o l o r (Tu r k e y Ta i l ) , Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi), Cordyceps militaris and Cordyceps sinensis (Caterpillar). Full Spectrum mycoproducts are the complete fungal material consisting of all the biologically active components, including the mycelium, primordia, fruitbodies, and most importantly, the extracellular compounds produced throughout the entire life cycle of the organism. It is these extracellular compounds (compounds that are excreted outside of the cell and into the surrounding environment) that are responsible for the main medicinal properties known from the fungal kingdom. This includes all the antibiotic properties, antiviral properties, antifungal properties and all the other‘ survival’ compounds that the fungus produces to give itself an advantage over the competing bacteria and microbes in the highly competitive environment in which it lives. These secondary metabolites have opened up the frontiers of medicine, with such breakthroughs as antibiotics and cholesterol lowering drugs. Avini Health’s NanoSilver Silver, as a metal, is naturally toxic to viruses and bacteria; but it can also harm healthy human cells if it’s available as a discrete ion (individual atom). Most silver available on the market today contains silver ions in an atomic state that has no crystalline structure. Avini’s silver technology contains a nano-sized crystalline metallic core (7-10nm spheres) made of .9999 pure silver, surrounded by a silver-oxide coating (silver and oxygen combined together). This skin-like coating gives the silver its stability and unique properties unlike any other silver technology. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Of course, for you parents, grandparents, teachers and care givers, I have some extra support. I’m offering a Back-to-School Special on the Access Bars process for the month of September. While the kids are in school, could you use a powerful spa treatment? Access BARS works with 32 points on your head opening channels related to every possible aspect of your life. Releasing old beliefs and stuck energies. Putting you in a super-relaxing state of Theta Brain as you doze off in my gravity chair for an hour. You will leave feeling like you slept for 8 hours and/or had a deep massage. Little irritations won’t bother you as much and big disruptions to your day are more easily handled after a BARS session. Read more here. Get a 25% discount in Sept. Click the button below to schedule your BARS session and use the code BARS24. As Ben Franklin taught us, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. ”We have all of the information that we need to maintain optimal health and prevent or minimize disease. Along with this knowledge, common sense, and these wonderful products from nature; we can keep everyone safe and healthy through the Back to School season. Much love and light coming your way. Mary The Joy of Being Well, LLC Is the world feeling out of control - too much to handle? Is it hard to get out of bed and face another day? My work and my joy is to help you feel like a burden has been lifted - like life is easier, more fun. I want you to feel like each day is better than the day before and life is worth living. Everyone is unique so I look at the whole picture of your beautiful body and spirit. If the body is burdened with toxins and dis-ease, that’s a good place to start. No one feels like skipping through life when their body is hurting or exhausted. I work with several physical products to make detoxing quick and easy. The product below is a great place to start. Quick version here: https://vimeo.com/821126757 [Want all the science? Then this is for you. ] [Dr. Hyman talking about metals. https://youtu.be/ggz3aiW-e0I?si=u4X3qTYH8g25dtO5] (note- chelation is old science. There is a better way) Then we look at the spirit - the emotional burden you might not even be aware you are carrying. We know that the subconscious is where the majority of emotions and beliefs are stored. We also know that our subconscious is pretty much in charge of all our decisions and actions. I bet you thought you were consciously making every decision. You are, but your subconscious is dictating the choice possibilities. Your life experiences from birth, and even before that, as well as ancestral fears and beliefs that have been handed down on the DNA are all buried in the subconscious and pretty much running your life. I can help you quickly identify these buried energies and clear them out. We replace them with definitions of who you really are - powerful, joyful, brilliant …… It’s so much fun to see my clients rediscover their amazingness. (real word!) When you are ready to be everything you came here to be, I’m ready to help. Love and light, Mary The Joy of Being Well, LLC Does it make you want to scream?!? Why is losing weight so difficult? Why does it work for some people and not others? Have you heard of Toxic Obesity? Turns out that our fat cells have a VERY important job. They store toxins especially when our kidneys and liver are overwhelmed and can’t detox fast enough. They also hold onto these toxins very tightly because they know that if the toxins are released, your body could suffer. The more toxic you are, the more fat cells you need to protect your body by storing those excess toxins! So what are Obesogens? These are toxins that can cause epigenetic changes to our DNA that increase the risk for obesity. This change to our DNA can then be passed down to our children and grandchildren causing generations of obesity. The good news is that we can make changes to our DNA by starting with Detoxification. Then by decreasing our toxic burden, the fat cells can start to be burned for energy. You also want to make good choices in diet and exercise to help your body restore homeostasis and overall good balance. To hear from an expert, check out his video of biochemist Rik Deitsch, a well recognized expert on detoxification and product formulation, as he explains how the body can release excess fat. Thanks for reading and please share with people you love. Much love and light coming your way. Mary The Joy of Being Well, LLC In this episode of Joyful Living, we explore amplifying your manifestation powers. Another great oil and card chosen for you by Mary. Ideas for how to stay sane with the kiddos this summer, even on a rainy day. . Have you been feeling waves of spontaneous fatigue lately? You aren't alone. In this episode of Joyful Living we discuss how to navigate the massive energy shifts with greater ease and peace. The intuitively selected crystal/stone was one I've never even heard of but think I might get soon :) Give this mantra a try this month: "Everything is working out for me." Learn more about the specials or start your doTERRA essential oil experience: https://mydoterra.com/marycrawford I can't wait for you to experience a whole new level of health! In this episode of Joyful Living we shed some light on why you might be feeling sluggish or a lack of motivation lately. Tune in to learn about: the energy of May, this month's specials, work-play balance, the power of play and more. [Originally featured on Facebook on Friday, May 3.]
Are you in the energy of need or desire? In today's episode we discuss: the energetic difference between the two, tips for a joyful Easter & Passover, how to make the most of the energy of this Friday's full moon, the benefits of salt baths and more! Enjoy! [Originally posted to Facebook on April 3, 2019.] Happy April! Fresh month, start of new quarter, Mercury out of retrograde and a new moon on Friday...oh my! In this episode of Joyful Living we share tips on how to harness the energy of this new month and heart-led manifestation. |
AuthorI've been an energy healer for over 3 decades after working in Special Education and many other jobs. |